
What is Educational Consultancy?

What is Educational Consultancy?

Marie Delaney offers Educational Consultancy to schools, local authorities and ministries of education. The underlying principle of Marie’s work is to build local capacity to include the most vulnerable students and young people. It is her policy to make a realistic assessment of the current situation, analyzing the needs and strengths of the people involved, to build on current skills and to work collaboratively with clients to develop sustainable polices and resources.
Key consultancy themes
  • Inclusive Education – developing policy and practice
  • Attachment Theory and its impact on learning and behaviour
  • Supporting staff groups in challenging circumstances
  • Finding innovative ways to work with vulnerable, at-risk pupils
  • Positive leadership in times of change : dealing with resistance
Projects include :
National level policies

Working with...
  • UNICEF and the Ministry of Education in Jordan on Inclusive Education
  • British Council and the Ministry of Education in Lebanon
  • School and agency support work with challenging and vulnerable student
  • Five Rivers Fostering Agency in Ireland
  • Virtual Schools in the UK
  • Specialist schools in the UK
  • (SEBD) and pupil referral units (PRUs)
  • Inclusive Education project with UNICEF and MoE Jordan
Working with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education in Jordan on Inclusive Education.
Working with the British Council and the Ministry of Education in Lebanon on Inclusion of students with SEN.

Marie developed an inclusive education teacher training manual for UNICEF and the Ministry of Education in Jordan. This is a comprehensive programme aimed at supporting the inclusion of students with SEN into state schools. Marie designed and delivered a trainer training programme attended by master trainers from the MoE and local NGOs. It is now hoped that this training will be included in all future teacher training in Jordan.

Language for Resilience research project with the British Council
Marie is currently working on a research project for the British Council on the language needs of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Northern Iraq. This project will look at how language learning contributes to the building of resilience and the programmes which can be designed to facilitate this. She is working closely with NGOs and ministries of education in all these countries.
School and agency support

Five Rivers Fostering Agency Education support
Marie has been working with the Five Rivers Fostering Agency in Ireland to offer a ‘Team Around the Child’ consultative approach to maintaining looked after children in mainstream schools. This involves working with the child, teachers, social workers, support workers and foster families to develop plans and strategies for improving the child’s attainment in school. She regularly runs workshops for foster carers, social workers, volunteer tutors and teachers on the impact of insecure attachment on learning and behaviour.

Virtual Schools in the UK
Marie regularly offers workshops and speaks at conferences for the Virtual Schools in the UK who are working to improve educational outcomes for looked after children in care. These workshops are designed to develop staff capacity and understanding of attachment issues and the impact on behaviour and learning in school.

SEBD schools and PRUs
Marie has worked on projects with SEBD schools in various UK local authorities, including Southend, Hampshire, Harrow and Essex. These projects involved workshops and training on the effects of loss, trauma and neglect on learning and behaviour as well as the effects on staff of dealing with very challenging behaviour on a regular basis. She has trained staff in the use of therapeutic work-based discussion groups, the use of the curriculum to resolve trauma and conflict, setting meaningful targets for students and supporting the wellbeing of all.
Supporting Staff

Marie works extensively with Youthreach centres and alternative education centres in Ireland to support staff in their thinking about students with challenging behaviour and complex learning needs. She offers work supervision, discussion groups, keyworker mentoring and consultations for the Team Around the Child.
Marie Delaney offers Educational Consultancy to schools, local authorities and ministries of education.
Educational Psychotherapy
Educational Psychotherapy is a branch of child psychotherapy which focuses on improving a child’s educational achievement.
Marie Delaney offers bespoke training to schools and staff groups.