
 For schools and staff groups

Training Courses For Teachers

Marie Delaney offers bespoke training to schools and staff groups.

Topics offered include:
  • Behaviour management strategies - a comprehensive list of the best
  • Behaviour management vs Behaviour Change - what does real behaviour change involve and how can we facilitate this in schools
  • Attachment and Learning - how can we recognize children with attachment difficulties, how this affects their learning and what can we do about it
  • Setting targets which young people will 'buy-into'
  • Dealing with conflict - using language skillfully and successfully
  • Beginnings, Transitions and Endings - understanding and responding to the deep feelings which may be aroused at times of change
  • Supporting Teachers and Developing an Emotionally Literate Learning Community
  • Challenging limiting beliefs - your own, your colleagues and young peoples
  • Establishing rapport in times of conflict - the language of persuasion
  • Working positively with parents/carers
  • Whole school approach to challenging behaviour :How unconscious defence mechanisms can sabotage school improvement
  • Dealing with resistance in times of change
  • Setting up and running work-based discussion groups
  • Getting your message across effectively
  • The Looked After child in school : issues and solutions
These topics are also offered as plenary talks and workshops.
Training can also be provided in German.
Marie Delaney offers Educational Consultancy to schools, local authorities and ministries of education.
Educational Psychotherapy
Educational Psychotherapy is a branch of child psychotherapy which focuses on improving a child’s educational achievement.
Marie Delaney offers bespoke training to schools and staff groups.